jack⚡️ on Twitter: "I'm really happy Elon is joining the Twitter board! He cares deeply about our world and Twitter's role in it. Parag and Elon both lead with their hearts, and they will be an incredible team." / Twitter jack @jack
I love Twitter. Twitter is the closest thing we have to a global consciousness. 2:03 AM · Apr 26, 2022·Twitter Web App 2,540 Retweets 1,223 Quote Tweets 17.9K Likes jack @jack · 5h Replying to @jack
With that, @ jessedorogusker, I, and team will listen and continue the conversation. And we'll set up a dedicated Twitter and github account if we decide to build. We'll update this thread with that information when we're ready. Thanks!
The vowels—and Twitter as we know it—would come a little later. On March 21, 2006, Dorsey sent the social network's first-ever tweet: just setting up my twttr — jack⚡️ (@jack) March 21, 2006
— jack⚡️ (@jack) April 19, 2022 Newsmax TV's Alex Salvi tweeted about the exchange and opined the former Twitter CEO was defending Carlson, which drew a response from Dorsey.
Taking it back from Wall Street is the correct first step. — jack⚡️ (@jack) April 26, 2022 In principle, I don't believe anyone should own or run Twitter.
Taking it back from Wall Street is the correct first step. — jack⚡️ (@jack) April 26, 2022 Dorsey went on to say that he doesn't believe anyone should own or run Twitter.
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